Thursday, December 20, 2012

On the Lookout!

Well you guys, you all know how perfect I'm not. Let's face it. I'm full of past-tense errors, semi-colon obsessions, lists, bracket addictions...ellipses...repeated phrases, and like, probably some other stuff. But what better way to take care of these things than by getting some help?

That's right! I'm looking for editors!

Oh. You meant like, educational help? Silly you then.

But yes, editors. I need people working permanently and devotedly! Now now, I know what you're thinking: "How can she possibly expect people to be devoted to something that she takes constant breaks from?" Well, to put it simply: ... Because reasons.

No seriously, I know that I'm a mess. But not only will having editors make me more motivated to work, but you'll also get more updates! ..I think. Yeah probably.

So if there's anyone out there wiling to deal with this mess, just let me know! You guys know the drill, drop a comment, send an email to, do what you will! I really appreciate any and all help that I can get.

Thanks guys! <3


Sunday, December 16, 2012


So to help spread the word about InkDreams, I started adding the entire novel up to! I used to have just the first twenty or so pages up.

This means I have some work to do. First I have to separate the novel into sections, so that the different sections appear on new pages like they do in the pdf files. Then I have to scroll through the text in the wattpad text editor and fix EVERYTHING. I mean, nothing shows up the way I want it to. There are all of these spaces added in, my indentations are completely gone (not to mention the text editor uses some weird unidentified system where it'll tab over, but I can't use the tab key on my keyboard so I just have to insert spaces and copy-pasta that crap.) sigh. I only have the one font/font size as well. And you guys know how much I love to use different fonts.

By no means will I be adding the Notes on the Novel onto Wattpad. Right now that is for subscribers only! <3 That, and I'd have to rearrange the sections every time I updated, which is just too much hassle right now.

Please drop by Wattpad and give me your support! My profile page is at, and InkDreams can be found through this: link. (Or you can just go further down on the profile page! It's there under my bio :D)

Thanks you guys for all of the support! I know it's been awhile since I've updated y'all, or sent out an email with the latest. But I can't send out the email until I've written more of the main story line. So far I've just been writing Prom and Halloween. (Yeah yeah, I'm still working on Halloween. I'm aware that October was months ago.)

Life's been busy and a little hectic. I hope everyone's having a marvelous winter break, that finals went well for my college students, and that everyone has a happy and safe holiday! No matter what your religion, please send out some prayers/thoughts to the families affected by the shooting. I didn't want to be a part of the bandwagon originally, but you know, this is important. This is the good bandwagon to get on, the one that brings us all closer together, brings out our humanity, and makes us thankful for everything we still have.

Thanks guys

-Your sometimes ridiculous author,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pirates, Fairies, and Bullies, Oh My!

That's right guys, PIRATES!!! I really have no idea where they came from, but all of a sudden I found myself writing about them. Exciting stuff they be.

I'm going to send out an email tonight, probably around 12-Midnight with the updated release of the novel! Don't forget to sign up for the subscription list, or send an email to about subscribing, and I'll add you to the list personally. You won't want to miss out on this exciting release!

This new update comes with a bit of the Halloween scene to be added in, a past life where the Trio are Pirates, and the beginning of a new bullying scene with Miss Monika!

I'm sorry this has taken me so long you guys, but I'm finally back in a mindset of constant writing/typing. :D

So life has been a little hard on me lately. I can only imagine that some of you are also having a hard time out there. I'll keep you guys in my prayers if you'll keep me in mine, how's that sound?

Also, I'm thinking of having a Google+ Hangout meeting! Wouldn't that be exciting? It'd be a Q&A session, and I'll answer questions to the best of my ability without spoiling much. I'd really appreciate some feedback from you guys, so maybe I'll ask some questions too. If you're interested, you can comment below, post on our Facebook Page, the NEW GOOGLE+ PAGE, or send an email (look above for email).

To add on to the excitement, I'm trying to make a Spotify playlist for either the individual characters, or for the entire novel. If anyone has suggestions, or wants to submit a playlist, I'd be more than happy to receive it! Maybe there will be a contest....

I hope everyone's doing okay out there! Don't forget to +1 the Google page, "like" the Facebook page, and send an email with your feedback! (Don't forget to subscribe either!! That's kind of important)

Much love to all of my fans out there! You guys are the best!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1111 Views and 100 Likes!!

Now this has to be something special!! I was just telling myself that I'd have to make a new post at 1111 views, and when I go to check how many views I have, that's the number that showed up!

Yup, something mighty special indeed!

I can't thank everyone enough for their attention and support! <3 You have my love and gratitude.

Hopefully everyone in America has been okay during the storms that have been hitting for a couple weeks now. In North Carolina, there have been some pretty rough ones, and I'm thankful that I haven't been hurt, and that my friends are safe and sound. (And my fans too of course!)

Now I need to get to writing... Maybe after I finish the second Game of Thrones book ;D

Gotta tell you guys, Game of Thrones is AWESOME. Sure, it can be a bit smutty (both the books and definitely the HBO series. I mean, c'mon guys, it's HBO. What did you expect?), and the show a tad bloody, but the story line and characters are fantastic! I strongly recommend the books and show both to people 16 and up. Viewer discretion advised and all that finely bolded-print stuff.


For those of you who are interested in reading InkDreams as I write it, just join the subscription list, or send an email to asking to join the list! I'll set you up as soon as it hits my inbox!

Everyone stay safe and enjoy what's left of your summer!



Friday, July 6, 2012



Oh my goodness you guys!! Thank you all so much for your love and support! It really does mean a lot to me to have so many views in such a short time (not to mention all of the Facebook 'likes'!) I never thought that within only a couple months that'd I'd have so many views.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer! I know I am! I haven't gotten a whole lot of writing done since the last email update, but I promise to get back on the ball soon!

For those of you who have yet to receive the email containing the story thus far, either send an email to, comment below with your email, or go to the Subscribe page! If there are errors with sending to the email or using the page, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP!! Don't forget to 'like" the Facebook Page!

Again, thank you so much everyone!


Monday, June 18, 2012

600 Pageviews!!!!

Oh wow you guys! Over the last WEEK I've gotten a hundred views!! I can't say how thankful I am for that.  I know, I know, most of the views are just one-time viewers clicking on my ads. And two hundred of said views have been from Russia. (Only THREE from the US, for those that were wondering.) But still, numbers are numbers, and I'm still grateful.

I promise I'll send out a subscription update this week. I have a lot of typing to do, but as soon as I finish typing up what I've got, I'll send it out! <3

Remember to "like" the Facebook Page, and send an email to to sign up for the Subscription list! (Otherwise you won't be getting a copy of the novel!)

Again, thanks so much everyone!!


Monday, June 11, 2012

So Many VIews!!

Holy crap you guys! Four-hundred and twenty page views. That's a lot. (To me at least). I'm really liking this advertising! So a huge thanks to Russia for giving me eighty-something views the past couple of weeks! <3 You have my gratitude.

Now, I'm only writing the novel in English (for now. I'd love for it to be popular enough to be translated), and I understand that a good portion of the views are either "oops I clicked this ad" or people just checking out the site. But don't hesitate to send an email to asking about the novel or to join the subscription list! Seriously! I'd love to sign you up! Feel free to check out the Facebook Page too!

That goes for all of the other countries as well! I see you out there Cambodia! <3

Near the end of the week I'll be sending out the next update. I want to write ten more pages or so, type them up, and then send it off.

A huge thanks to all of my viewers and friends out there! I hope everyone is having an excellent summer so far, for those that are already out of school, and that life is well for everyone!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Still Alive!!

Sorry that I haven't updated lately guys; life has been...well... a little crazy. There's been drama, and issues and bleh. But rest assured, I'm still alive and kicking and thinking about the novel!

[note that I said "thinking", and not "working on"...]

I haven't really been that active in the writing world lately, sorry guys. I've just started some summer classes, so I'm trying my best to get acclimated with the summer school life before I start other activities. The novel is going to have to wait another week or two before I get writing, unless something just really hits me and I just have to write. ):

This is the perfect time for YOU GUYS however to send me feedback on what I've written so far. I'm a little disappointed that I haven't gotten much feedback at all. I know that a couple people are disgruntled at who Belle's boyfriend is, and why I haven't mentioned his name. Apparently I haven't done the best of jobs with distinguishing between him and Sam. Don't worry, I'm working on it!

But I mean, other than that and grammatical errors, no one has told me anything else. I know that it's summer now, and a lot of people would rather be outside or having fun in ways that don't include books. But really, a hundred pages isn't all that much. So please, please guys, read the novel and tell me what you think. I'm about to send out an email to my subscription list, so for those of you that have yet to sign up, you have one hour (until 3:30pm) to send an email to!

Please and thank you guys! Hope you all are having a great, safe summer!


Friday, April 27, 2012

It's the Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone's finals are going well. They might be my most hated part of college, final exams. Wait, no, math is my most hated part. I can't stand it.

Well, I've gotten a few pages written since the last update. Speaking of, how did everyone like it?? *For those of you who actually read it.

Sigh, writing about "reality" is boring. I have no idea what to write about to pass the time within the book. Is there anything people want to read about? Comment below or say so on the Facebook page!

I hope everyone has a safe weekend, and does well on the rest of exams!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Moment You've Been Waiting For!

And I'm sorry it's taken so freak'n long. I finally just put my laziness aside and forced myself to work on the editing for five, six hours.

Of course it's not perfect still. I mean, I have to go back and fix some descriptive stuff (like the description of the Tailors and the like). There are spots where I need to put in excerpts as well, I'm just not sure which ones to put in where just yet. And you know, the whole rest of the novel still needs to be written.

I'll be sending out the email around eight pm tonight, so check your inboxes around then!!

If you've yet to join our subscription list, just send an email to, or if you're a brave soul, just comment below! I'll add you to the list immediately.

Don't forget to like our Facebook Page or join the Facebook Group!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thanks Everyone!!

200 PAGEVIEWS. *sniff* I know it isn't a whole lot, especially compared to a bunch of other blogs, but it's still a huge milestone for me.

So thanks to my friends, to my friends in foreign countries, and to Russia and France, because they gave me pageviews even though I don't know anyone there. Well, anyone that lives there. I have a sneaking suspicion that my friend visiting in France sent me a view.

This is the start of a bunch of tests this week, so while I will try to get the update out, I'm really not counting on it. If I'm not studying, then I'm busy trying to have a life.

Again, thanks everyone! I'll try my best!

Don't forget to send us to your friends, and to like our Facebook Page!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Obviously I need to stop setting deadlines.

I'm really sorry guys!! I know I kept promising and never delivering. This week has been really stressful. I've typed up almost everything (I have another page of notes to type), but I still have to go through the hundred pages and correct everything. I'm really not looking forward to it at all...

The next update will be done soon though! That I can promise! Probably. XD

I hope everyone has had a good week, and will have a good weekend! Exams are coming up, along with final projects, so I know everyone is busy for sure.

Don't forget to like the Facebook page!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Quick Apology

So, I've actually had a life lately, and because of it, I haven't been able to type out the rest of what I've written, or even gone back and rewritten the parts that need to be changed.

I know I said I would get the update by tonight, but since I have a presentation and an essay to do, I really don't think I'll be able to do it >.>. I'm so sorry!!

I'll try to get it out sometime in this week though. Haha, maybe I can get it done tomorrow? Possibly?

At any rate, I hope everyone had a good weekend, and a Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Crisis Averted!

Whoo!! I slept on my problem for a little while, sat down to dinner with the notes and novel, and figured it all out.

And to make news even happier, the next update will come out on either Saturday or Sunday! (Maybe Friday, it depends on how much work I get done.) I tried making a Facebook Event, but it wouldn't let me send files through the messages... I guess that means I'll just stick with the email list. If anyone knows of a better way to do this, then please let me know!

I hope that everyone's having an awesome week; I know my week has gone pretty well.

Look forward to the new update!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Delay

Well, I'm dumb. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.

I overlooked some huge technicalities with the time conversion between reality and InkDreams, and now I have to go back and redo a bunch of stuff....

This means that the next update is probably going to take a lot longer than I was banking on, unfortunately. I'm quite peeved about it. Not only do I have to fix the problem, but then I have to go through the one hundred pages of the novel and fix everything that doesn't comply with the new rules. Yes, ruleS. As is in I have to make more than one new rule. It's terribly tedious...

Not to mention that while all of this is going on, I have to live the life of a busy college student and study and prepare for my next semester. I've been going to a lot of meetings lately, to prepare for studying abroad in Japan.

I hope that you all will please excuse my inability to come up with proper rules that cannot be so easily flawed, and sit tight until I sort all of this out! :3

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Belle!!

That's right everyone, today is Belle Lawrencium's Birthday! Or, would be, should she exist. This is her 21st century birthday.

Everyone who is reincarnated isn't necessarily born on the same day each life. That'd be.. well.. boring. If you had the chance to be born again, wouldn't you rather your birthday be different each time? I mean, there are a lot of people in reality who wish that their birthday were on a different day than it already is.

In terms of news, I have none. I'll get to writing some more soon, probably later today. Expect the subscription email to go out mid-April!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Character Page!!

Finally! I spent an hour or two on it yesterday, and finally finished it just now. It's up and ready for viewing. I have to be careful about spoilers, so I'm sorry that there isn't a whole lot of information up.

So far there is only Tera, her Trio, and Martimae, but as I add on, there will be sub pages for Creations and the characters that exist in the real world. (So Ashley, Jamie, etc..)

If anyone finds pictures and thinks that they are suitable, go ahead and post them in the comments, or on our Facebook page! I'm also taking questions about any and all characters [but that doesn't mean I'll answer them XD].

I hope everyone is having a good week so far! Mine's going pretty well, minus the exams I have this week. But don't worry, I'll find plenty of time to keep writing.

I'm going to make a big change to the Facebook Group though. Along with the email subscription list, for those people that don't want to receive more email than they already do, wouldn't it be cool to just get the update in your Facebook messages? All you have to do is join the Facebook Group! Easy, non?


Sooooo, you can chat with groups, but even as an Administrator you can't send out mass messages. Go figure. Instead of using the group, I'll be making a Facebook Event! (Yay for Facebook...). I'll post a link to the event as soon as I have it up!


Due to some technical difficulties (copy and paste being stupid), I've taken down the character page for now. I'll get it fixed soon, I just don't have time to do it right now..


IT'S DONE. I PROMISE. :D  After some moving things around, it should be finally well, not done, but much better than it previously was.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Facebook Takeover: Success.

Yup, that's right folks! InkDreams now has a full-functioning Facebook Page! Check it out here:

There are some photos I put up, and I can't wait to hear some opinions on them! People are, of course, free to put up their own photos or photos they find. I'll add my favorites to a special album!

Don't forget to like the page either!!! There's a "like" button in the right sidebar of this page, so don't hesitate to click it. :D

On another note, I'll be sending out the next subscription email soon! There are other updates as well of course. Like for one, I'll be putting up some character info pages up on the good ol' blog later this week. Exciting eh?

I'm also debating on whether or not I should put up the whole story so far on or If I do that, then I can embed the novel onto the blog.... Of course I'll still send out the emails!

Don't be afraid to give me your feedback guys! I can't write this novel without all of the support I can get!


Monday, March 26, 2012

First Battle Scene? Yeah, I wrote that.

I finally finished writing out the first battle scene! Okay, so really the first planned battle scene. The Trio hunted down some Tailors! Whoo! (This really only makes sense if you've read the story thus far. So those of you who are new, get reading!!)

I've only written a few pages since my last update, so I'll type them up, write some more, type that up, and then send off the next email!

If you still want to join the subscription list, either send an email to, or comment below. There is not a limited amount of people that can be on this list, so please, don't hesitate to sign up! Like I've said, I have no rhyme or reason for giving your email to anyone. (Even if I did have a reason, there's no way I would give it out.)

I'd like to send a special shout out to the best friend, because I'm a terrible novelist who forgot some important guidelines to her own novel, and this chick went and found the original Notes, deciphered my horrid handwriting, and put up with me. <3 Love ya Jazzy!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

First Post!

Hey Everyone! (Well, whoever's there I guess. . . )

The Blog is up, and public, and somewhat functional! Yay!

...I don't really know what else to post...

Of course there are a few mistakes about the place, and I'll be sure to do some housekeeping and sweep them right up (with the help of a certain few special people ;D). So please excuse the mess!

There will be more pages to come, including some character info pages and whatnot. Don't worry, I won't be posting spoilers. ^^

So everyone have fun, use nice language, and make yourselves at home!