Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pirates, Fairies, and Bullies, Oh My!

That's right guys, PIRATES!!! I really have no idea where they came from, but all of a sudden I found myself writing about them. Exciting stuff they be.

I'm going to send out an email tonight, probably around 12-Midnight with the updated release of the novel! Don't forget to sign up for the subscription list, or send an email to about subscribing, and I'll add you to the list personally. You won't want to miss out on this exciting release!

This new update comes with a bit of the Halloween scene to be added in, a past life where the Trio are Pirates, and the beginning of a new bullying scene with Miss Monika!

I'm sorry this has taken me so long you guys, but I'm finally back in a mindset of constant writing/typing. :D

So life has been a little hard on me lately. I can only imagine that some of you are also having a hard time out there. I'll keep you guys in my prayers if you'll keep me in mine, how's that sound?

Also, I'm thinking of having a Google+ Hangout meeting! Wouldn't that be exciting? It'd be a Q&A session, and I'll answer questions to the best of my ability without spoiling much. I'd really appreciate some feedback from you guys, so maybe I'll ask some questions too. If you're interested, you can comment below, post on our Facebook Page, the NEW GOOGLE+ PAGE, or send an email (look above for email).

To add on to the excitement, I'm trying to make a Spotify playlist for either the individual characters, or for the entire novel. If anyone has suggestions, or wants to submit a playlist, I'd be more than happy to receive it! Maybe there will be a contest....

I hope everyone's doing okay out there! Don't forget to +1 the Google page, "like" the Facebook page, and send an email with your feedback! (Don't forget to subscribe either!! That's kind of important)

Much love to all of my fans out there! You guys are the best!


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