Welcome to InkDreams

This is my beloved novel-in-progress. I've been working on it for about two years now.

Two years? That must mean I have a whole lot written, right? Ha, not really. I have just barely over a hundred pages, and then another eighty-something of notes that focus on my writing process, problems that arise, character outlines, etc.

But just because every few months I take a break, does not mean I stop thinking about what's going to happen next! I am a dedicated novelist, and love this novel to bits.

So I guess this is where I tell you a little about my precious writing.

This is how I described it at Wattpad.com:

"Belle has never been normal. Ha, can you even describe what "normal" is? But besides that, she still doesn't really fit in. Neither does her boyfriend or best friend. Her boyfriend can read minds and communicate with Belle mentally, and her best friend? Well... he's not that special. He could fit in if he really wanted to. However the three of them have continuously reincarnated hundreds of times together, going on crazy adventures. And now, another adventure is about to begin, in their dreams."

(The link to an excerpt novel at www.wattpad.com is here.
The mobile code for the excerpt is: 3311196)

But I guess you want to know a little bit more, non?

Okay, so the novel is about highschool junior Belle Lawrencium, her boyfriend, their best friend Sam(uel) Grace, and quite a few other characters. But these three are always reincarnated with each other to live through different adventures. Sometimes they know why, and other times they don't. And sometimes, sometimes they remember what happened in the previous lives.
Not this time though. Belle is pretty clueless. I mean, what fun would it be if the heroine just knew everything right off the bat?
No, Belle has no idea that everything she writes comes to life in a dream-like world. No idea that she's a Creator, and that there is a major war going on within the InkDreams. Actually she doesn't even know what an InkDream is. Sounds like a publishing company or something. (Or a really good novel-in-progress? :D). 

Does it sound good yet? I hope so!

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