Sunday, December 16, 2012


So to help spread the word about InkDreams, I started adding the entire novel up to! I used to have just the first twenty or so pages up.

This means I have some work to do. First I have to separate the novel into sections, so that the different sections appear on new pages like they do in the pdf files. Then I have to scroll through the text in the wattpad text editor and fix EVERYTHING. I mean, nothing shows up the way I want it to. There are all of these spaces added in, my indentations are completely gone (not to mention the text editor uses some weird unidentified system where it'll tab over, but I can't use the tab key on my keyboard so I just have to insert spaces and copy-pasta that crap.) sigh. I only have the one font/font size as well. And you guys know how much I love to use different fonts.

By no means will I be adding the Notes on the Novel onto Wattpad. Right now that is for subscribers only! <3 That, and I'd have to rearrange the sections every time I updated, which is just too much hassle right now.

Please drop by Wattpad and give me your support! My profile page is at, and InkDreams can be found through this: link. (Or you can just go further down on the profile page! It's there under my bio :D)

Thanks you guys for all of the support! I know it's been awhile since I've updated y'all, or sent out an email with the latest. But I can't send out the email until I've written more of the main story line. So far I've just been writing Prom and Halloween. (Yeah yeah, I'm still working on Halloween. I'm aware that October was months ago.)

Life's been busy and a little hectic. I hope everyone's having a marvelous winter break, that finals went well for my college students, and that everyone has a happy and safe holiday! No matter what your religion, please send out some prayers/thoughts to the families affected by the shooting. I didn't want to be a part of the bandwagon originally, but you know, this is important. This is the good bandwagon to get on, the one that brings us all closer together, brings out our humanity, and makes us thankful for everything we still have.

Thanks guys

-Your sometimes ridiculous author,

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