
This page is going to be under construction constantly. Why? Because I'm always coming up with new characters, and new things about the others. Just the other day I came up with something huge about the three main characters and added it in. (Spoiler: it should even out the hate a little that some people have for the guys. Or make it worse. I know people that really hate Sam, and they didn't even have a reason for it yet. Well, now they do.)

I'm going to try really hard to contain the spoilers within the descriptions and such. Basic background info only and whatnot. I also will probably not include certain characters, because of spoiler reasons. (Other Trio members and their Guardians, for example.)

If I get reoccurring questions about certain characters that do not contain spoilers, I'll probably add that information as well. 

Any photos that I add will be hyper-linked to the original artist, along with a huge, invisible thank you :D.

(All Birthdays are according to the 21st century, which the novel is actually going through)

Belle Lawrencium


Belle is a junior in highschool, sixteen and a half years old. Her birthday is March 31st. 
She's the Creator for Tera's Trio. Her best friend is Ashley Case. She doesn't remember much about the InkDreams from her previous lives like the guys do. Belle is a quiet girl in society, living with her mother and little sister.

Sam Grace

Sam, or Samuel (he really hates being called that), is already eighteen. It doesn't say so in the novel, but he takes a variety of online college classes throughout the day from his apartment. He's studying literature and history. His birthday is January 5th. Sam's role of the Trio is to be the Protector. (Yes, that first picture is of Kit Harington. The man is gorgeous, even if he may look a little older than Sam.)

"M" Darè 

First name? Who needs one. Sam has referred to him as "Lord Darè, and in Tera's library, his books are under the "M" section, so we at least know that much. He's currently dating Belle. He's seventeen and a half, and as for his education, well, we aren't quite sure of that either right now, are we? However, we do know that he is the Controller, which gives him mind reading (and mind control?) powers. His birthday is September 15th.


Tera is the Guardian of Aveiliea, which can be considered as Belle's Realm. Tera created Aveiliea in the Tales of Old. Aveiliea is the Goddess that Augustus falls in love with, whom loves him just as much.

There isn't much else known about Tera. She is a very dignified old soul, and extremely powerful. In Aveiliea, she is deemed as a Goddess who lives in her Temple and seldom leaves. However, her Trio knows that she often goes to meetings, just not where the meetings are. For her to be sighted outside of her Temple is extraordinarily rare.


Yet another character who doesn't have much known information. He is a Guardian like Tera, but the Guardian of Augustus. The members of his Trio are currently unknown. Martimae rebelled against the other Guardians out of revenge for the death of one of his Trio members, and caused a great war in the InkDreams. He has captured the other Guardians and their Trios.

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