Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's One O'Clock in the Morning...

And now that Lily Allen song, "4 O'Clock in the Morning", shall be stuck in my head. But only her part, because I'm not particularly fond of the rapping that takes place.

Good morning to you all! Happy belated Thanksgiving, and I believe a happy belated Halloween/Samhain/etc is in order as well. It's been a while, non? And you all shall be very disappointed in me, because I haven't written a single word!

Life has been a bit hectic (isn't it always? I need a new reason.) and my creative juices haven't been flowing properly.

However!! Somebody else's has been! I'd like to direct your attention to this little video here, a submission for the Doritos Superbowl Commercial contest.


I would have embedded the video, but for whatever reason Blogger isn't letting me do it.

BUT WATCH THIS. The creator is a dear friend of mine with a brilliant mind for films and the like, and as far as me posting creative content goes, this is about as good as I can do for the moment. So congrats Zeppy, on a blog dedicated entirely to one thing, I've managed to make a post about you! :D

But really everyone, please give a little support to watch this video. I promise that it's fairly entertaining.

Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. This past week I've been brainstorming rather hard, trying to fit Cerulean into the story, and wondering about how deeply involved she's going to be. And it didn't help that I started a character for her whilst playing the Future Stuff expansion of Sims. (Which is quite excellent by the by.)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!

Did I mention I'm almost at four-THOUSAND views? I can't thank you lot enough, especially those of you diligently checking back. (I'm sorry for being such a disappointment!)

Much love to all of you dear readers, whether you're new or have been here since Creation.

-Lindsey <3

Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Getting to be that Time....

When I update! Almost, but not quite yet.

You see, I've rewritten the first few pages of the novel, completely. You wouldn't even recognize it anymore. (But if you've read far enough into InkDreams, you will recognize the characters!) So, I've given it some thought and debate, but I will post the new opening below!

It does cut off a little, because I haven't fully connected the opening to the next bit of info, so I apologize. However, I'm still debating on whether or not I should use this as the new opening. All comments and criticism is fully appreciated!


“It’s...beautiful.” I swatted her hand away.

“And it’s not ours. Thirteen, you grab it. Rabbit, help Cat keep security off our tail.”

“What do you want me to do then?” Friday looked up at me with a full pout.

“Friday, I need you to get us out of here.” Her lips stretched out into a grin. It wasn't as great as being able to hold the loot, but to her this was the next best thing.

“Roger that Clover!” Thirteen grabbed the glass case from its podium, quickly setting our faux case in its place. Glancing back at Friday, I saw her affixing a pulley system of some sort to the hole in the ceiling we had dropped in from.

“We’re good; let’s go!” She urged us, already climbing up. Thirteen followed and then I went up myself. Rabbit had left us long before, most likely by climbing up with brute strength rather than the pulley system. The three of us crawled through the ventilation for a minute before dropping down into an empty storage closet. In there we ditched our black T’s and cargo pants for office clothes (we had stashed our bags in here previously)-- and then I got a good look at Friday.

“Oh not again,” I muttered. She had donned a child’s school uniform, and adjusted her pigtails accordingly. With her height, she definitely looked like a small child, though she was near twenty years old. But she gave me a smirk and opened her arms to me.

“I’m burning those clothes when we get home.” I warned her. She stuck her tongue out at me.

“Clover just let her have her fun,” Thirteen kissed my cheek. I ‘huff”’d. Women. Thirteen and I were much too young to have raised Friday, but I can’t help but think of her as a daughter sometimes. This, however, was pushing it.

I picked up Friday and carried her out. Thirteen still had the case, but it was now hidden in a large briefcase. Or her purse. I could never tell what she could and couldn't fit in that thing. We quietly crept out of the room, to see some guards dealing with an inebriated Latino woman who was cursing in slurs. Her top chest looked like it was about to spill out of her top, and the guards were having a hard time deciding how to restrain her without it resulting in some sort of accusation.

“Sweetie!” Rabbit came in through the front doors. “Oh there you are!” He took her by the arm and sent the guards an apologetic glance. Thirteen and I started to move towards the exit.

“I can’t apologize enough to you guys. I know my girl can be quite a handful,” he said to them over Cat’s rantings. He began to lead her away as the ravings turned into a fast-paced Spanish.

A guard looked over at Thirteen and I, and I held a finger to my lips before pointing to Friday, who was pretending to sleep.

“Sorry,” I mouthed. He gave a sympathetic nod, and we walked out of the office building.

Charm had the car running for us, and was in the front seat. When he noticed we were safe, he slid into the back. The rest of us piled into the car, the encased crown finally ours.

“Okay, gimmie,” Charm reached out his hands. I dumped Friday into his lap, and she giggled. “That isn't what I meant, but alright.” Thirteen handed him the case.

Friday pulled out a set of gloves for herself and carefully pried the case open.

“Don’t wear it,” I warned her. She rolled her eyes at me. Charm, with her own pair of gloves, inspected the insides of the crown while Friday held it. He had two fingers stretched out, sliding along the inside of the rim.

“Voila,” he muttered, and pulled out a small, black rectangle. “Found the codes, boss.”

“Great work. Go ahead and make a copy if you think it’s safe to do so. Make two, just in case.” Charm gave a nod and started on the task. Friday was

“Alright, time’s up. Everyone pass your papers to the front.”

I tried not to think about the dent in my grade that would occur once the test had been processed, and reluctantly passed my paper forward.

“Scratch paper next, if you please.” No, I did not please. I folded the paper in half discretely and slid it off my desk and into my lap.

“I mean everyone,” the teacher glared at me. People wonder why I hate math. I handed the paper with my writing up, and cornered my teacher once we were left to our own devices.

‘Careful Belle.’

“Sir, about the scratch paper. I-”

“You can’t have it back Miss Lawrencium.” He stated firmly.

“I know that, and that it’s a safety issue and protocol, but I was just wondering if you’d let me make a copy of it or something. You see, it doesn't contain any materials pertaining to the test, and in fact it’s actually my Creative Writing assignment and-”

No, Belle.”

“But I-”


Incredibly frustrated, I left for lunch.


What did you guys think? Yay, nay? Post your comments below!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hmm, What to Do..

This is a post about Wattpad.com, which is what I've been using to publicly post the novel. So far there's only a chunk of the story uploaded onto it, but unfortunately, I need to take it down.

You see, the past couple of months I've been doing some SERIOUS re-writing. Like, taking out the first few pages serious and restructuring the main character to be much better than she is. Which is my excuse for not updating since..well..a while. <3 (My other excuse is that I finally have a job and I've been working a lot lately. The last excuse is just stress :D)

Since I'm doing all of these re-writes, well, the stuff posted on Wattpad.com is no longer valid, which is kind of a pain. And I feel bad, because funkywitch from Wattpad was a huge help in editing that material. But things are things and this is that and so and on and so forth. The posted material must go!

I'll be getting rid of it within the next couple of days I suppose, or at least by the end of next week. I am quite lazy. And I have some early shifts this week, which means lots of watching 30Rock and napping when I get home!

Netflix is amazing. And also horrible. They've left off the last couple of seasons of The Office and Parks and Recreation, so I have to go look them up on the internet later. But right now I'm watching 30Rock from the beginning, and then I think I'll move onto Breaking Bad. Anime-wise, I watch a couple of episodes of "Free! Iwatobi Swim Club" every week. That stuff is goooooood. And not because of all the shirtless, super muscular in a healthy way, hot guys. I do NOT fangirl. (Sebastion *cough* Kisuke Urahara *cough*). Right, right, not an anime blog, I'll stop xD.

I hope everyone's been doing okay! I'm really happy and thankful to everyone who keeps checking in on the blog. I get a lot of views every day!

Just a reminder, if you'd like to join the email subscription list, just send an email to inkdreamsnovel@gmail.com, click on the "Subscribe" page on the blog, or post your email in a comment below!

Much love to all of you!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Just a Reminder!

Hey everyone! Long time no see, I know. First off, my apologies for not getting out an update yet. I'm slowly working on it. There's been a bit of stress going on and I've had to do a lot of thinking and life changes. Well, I still do, so please bear with me.

Second, I've been getting a lot of attention lately from you guys! I've gotten some comments, and I've gotten a lot of page views. I just wanted to say thank you!

AND REMIND YOU GUYS: if you want to join the email list and get a copy of the novel as a PDF file straight to your email, just send me an email at inkdreamsnovel@gmail.com! It would be my utmost pleasure to add you to the list! And if you don't want to do that, check out the Where to Join In! page of the blog, fill out the form, and voila! You'll be added!

So please you guys, continue with the support and positive feedback! I hope everyone's summer is going great! Thanks again everyone!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2000+ Page Views!!

Huzzah! (Wow, dorky much?)

Thank you everyone so much for all of the support, I know I say that a lot, but it really does mean a ton to me.

I know that two thousand views doesn't seem like a lot, and it's hardly worth a whole post, but I like these little milestones. Honestly there hasn't been a whole lot of feedback or attention to the page or the novel as of late, so to me the more views the merrier!

I hope everyone's having a good week! Mine's been slow so far, but I'm going back home Thursday! Stay safe everyone, and thanks so much!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

And We're Tumbl-n, Tumbl-n, Tumbl-n

That's right, I got me self a Tumblr. I'm not sure what sort of harm would come out of making one, so I decided why not? You can find it here at www.aveiliea.tumblr.com!

I know, I know, I'm SORRY. I haven't written a lick of anything. (Well, I wrote a couple of poems, but you probably don't care about that.) It's exam time at college, and stress levels are at an all-time high for multiple reasons.

For you dog lovers out there, allow me to break your heart a little. Or gain your sympathy. Animal lovers too.

My dog, Lucky, has been diagnosed with cancer in it's last stages. She's had numerous tumors before, and we finally got them out last week. Welp, test results came in, and my family and I aren't really fond of them. It's not a total surprise; my cat died of cancer years ago, and Lucky's not been a puppy for some time now. Needless to say, it's upsetting. One of the worst parts is that I'm not even there to see here, and won't be until next Thursday. I don't even know if she'll still be there when I get back. Loosing someone is painful enough, not being able to say goodbye, well, it feels even worse sometimes.

So if you all could just keep my family in your thoughts and prayers, we'd really appreciate it. Times are tough.

Haha, so I've had a Tumblr for ten minutes and it's already inspired me to write a depressing blog post. Sorry 'bout that everyone.

I hope everyone is doing well on their exams, that those going to prom are having a great, safe time, and that everyone else is doing great as well. With summer vacation around the corner, I expect to get a lot of writing done!

What is everyone doing this summer? Leave a comment below!

Thank you all; I love you guys

Don't forget to be social!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/InkDreamsNovel
Tumblr: www.aveiliea.tumblr.com
Email: www.inkdreamsnovel@gmail.com

Monday, April 8, 2013


Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a lovely time. I know I am; it's been like summer where I'm at! After months of 50-40 degree weather, this 70-80 degree stuff is fantastic! I can't wait until I hear the ice cream trucks around the bend.

So, I've been getting a few emails lately from Blogger telling me that I have comments! Now, you can imagine I'm quite excited to find this out, and I rush every time to my admin panel so I can check it out and respond.


If only it were that easy.

Every time I've gone and checked out my comments section, there haven't been any! I kid you not. Well after this happening about six times, I decided to explore my admin panel a bit more, and that voice in the back of my head pointed out to me that there is a such menu as "Spam" for comments.

Apparently if you put in some sort of hyperlink to your own blog in your comment, it gets marked as spam! Who knew? So I've just gone and restored these comments. Expect replies shortly!

EDIT: Blogger's being a poo-face and won't let me reply. I keep hitting the reply button and nothing's happening. I'll try a couple different web browsers and see what happens. Push comes to shove, I'll be writing Blogger a mean email... 
RE-EDIT: Never mind, it works.. Right after I edited this *grumble grumble*.

A lot of you who've commented have all asked me to check out your blog and let me tell you: I'd be happy to. Please excuse me if I don't do so right off the bat. Life's been a bit busy lately for me (hence the lack of updates). I'm trying my best!

Thank you all so much for the love, the comments, and the compliments! Your support really does mean a lot to me.

Have a safe week everyone! I'll be trying to figure out what to write in between Halloween and Prom. There's about six, seven months of time to insert, and I can only skip so much...

Thanks again!


If you haven't checked out the Facebook Page, you can find it here!

Send me emails whenever you'd like, ESPECIALLY IF YOU WANT A COPY OF THE NOVEL! (It's free!)  inkdreamsnovel@gmail.com

The novel can also be found at Wattpad.com, with this link: click here~!

Don't forget to like/vote/subscribe!