Monday, January 21, 2013

Slow as Molasses.

So, I've got a sick. It's either the flu or some virus, and let me tell you: my motivation to do things has hit the road. Not for good, of course, but for the time being. It's probably taking a nice vacation. And laughing at me.

To tack on another excuse, I'm at a weird part of the novel where I'm not sure what to do next. Quite honestly I've had enough of writing training scenes, and I'm not sure of what to write for Belle's training with Friday and/or Thirteen. There's not really anything else for me to write during the current InkDream honestly. Really I just have to wrap it up and pass a week or two of real time. I reaaaalllyyyy need to get to Halloween for things to start picking up the pace again.

Are there any scenes that you guys would really like to see? I know, I know, there are some of you who want me to kill of Sam. Well.... No. That's not going to happen so soon, or even in this current century. Now while I may kill someone during an InkDream, well, there isn't much more I can say there without spoiling anything. (Other than that I have no idea/plans to do so yet. Cursed impulsive typing.)

But yes! Feel free to tell me what sort of things you'd like to see happen!

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy, and is enjoying their day off! (Hopefully you have one. In America, it's a holiday that I doubt other countries are celebrating, so here's an apology hug to my foreign fans, whom I love ever so much! <3)


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