Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Here's to Good Changes!


What's this? A redundant URL?! What could this be??

Well, it's a new website! It's now hooked to the Facebook Page, as well as *drum roll* the new BLOG!

Now, this isn't permanent, yet. I'm just trying out this Wix(wix.com) stuff to see how it works. So far there are some ups and downs about switching over, and I'm kind of on the edge about how positive I feel about it. You guys will have to tell me what you think!


I've gotten some new editors! That's right, plural. Hopefully things will get kicked off soon, and there will be more updates on Wattpad (This links you to the novel). I can't wait!

I know I know, I haven't sent out the email update yet. I'm trying to tie the present story to the Halloween scene, and then I have to finish up Halloween! I don't want to send out anything until I've finished doing so. I'm sorry it's taking so long!

In other news, how is everyone? I'm on Spring Break until the end of the week, and it's so nice to be able to relax at home! I hope everyone else is enjoying their "spring"! (What is up with this weather? At college it's always cold, and three hours away at home it's nice and warm and sunny! Silly North Carolina.)

Who's interested in picking at my brain? Giving in some feedback? I want to host a Google Hangout with you guys! How does Friday night sound? It all depends on if I'm over my cold or not. You guys have to let me know what times work for you!

That's all for now everyone. Be safe and stay healthy!


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