Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy Holidays and a Merry New Years!

As well as a "Good Luck on the New Classes". I don't know about y'all, but today is my first day of the new semester. Whoo college... -_-

I'm sorry I haven't updated in..months. Yeahh.... I think I've already told you guys how horrid of a person I am. To be fair, life has been quite hectic, and I haven't really had the time to do much. Not to mention that I've been busy with Wattpad! The novel is almost completely uploaded onto the site, and can be found at this link here. That link will take you to the main page for InkDreams. If you want to check out my other work, or my profile, you can clicky here. My username is AveilieaBelle (Hmm..wonder where those names came from...), if you'd rather search it or whatever suits your fancy.

I do have two side projects I've been working on instead of InkDreams, and I'm sorry that it's kept me so far away from my updates.

First, there's "Desteriea's Mary of Plain".

          "Mary is your average girl. Well, that's what I'm supposed to be telling you anyway. She doesn't want people to notice the mole on her cheek, even though it announces itself pretty well without me, and she doesn't want people to know that every night, for one week a month, she turns into a werewolf. But when you are the number one most detested in Desteriea Village, one more reason to hate you couldn't hurt too badly, right?

Until Prince Vestion moved to the Village. I'll tell you what, he certainly gave her something to look forward to in life. I'm not going to tell you why though- you'll have to figure it out for yourself!

So read about Plain Mary, Prince Vestion, and a battle against haters."

There are only two pages, I know I know. I'm working on the next part, but not really often at all. It probably won't be updated this month. (Or next month.) I got the idea from a dream I had actually. It was just a really unique, awesome plot line and I really wanted to get it out there. I took notes on the dream, so don't worry, I won't be forgetting what happens. Eventually the story will be completed.

The second side project is "Seven Shades of Me". 

             "Lucille Graves is a new college student, living with her boyfriend Jackson Marks and his little brother Jathan. The house was left to Lucille after her grandparents passed away the year before, and now the twenty year-old lives with the boys happily. Well, most of the time. Lucille has an Identity Disorder, which means she has multiple personalities. She doesn't see a therapist (not since the last incident), and she doesn't take pills for it. So she's shooting from the hip, trying to schedule the seven personalities their own time for her life."

This one has four pages, two parts. Again, I know it isn't much. But I think this idea is a bit better. However, I have no plans for it. No real plot, conflict, or even what all seven personalities are! So it will just be for funsies I think.

Okay, well I hope everyone had a good break/December/New Years/Etc! Mine was..definitely interesting, I'll give it that. I'm just glad to be on campus again!

I'll try to stop writing what can't be instantly released. I've created all the chapters I can out of what's been written, and now I need to play catch up. Thankfully my lovely editor hasn't killed me for being inadequate. Looking at what she's corrected, I feel really bad for all of you who've read my raws. xD <3

Don't be a stranger! Feel free to comment, send an email, or give us a like at our Facebook Page! If you'd like to send an email, just send it to If you check out the Wattpad stuff, don't forget to give it a like and a vote please!

Thank you everyone for your support! <3


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