Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Belle!!

That's right everyone, today is Belle Lawrencium's Birthday! Or, would be, should she exist. This is her 21st century birthday.

Everyone who is reincarnated isn't necessarily born on the same day each life. That'd be.. well.. boring. If you had the chance to be born again, wouldn't you rather your birthday be different each time? I mean, there are a lot of people in reality who wish that their birthday were on a different day than it already is.

In terms of news, I have none. I'll get to writing some more soon, probably later today. Expect the subscription email to go out mid-April!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Character Page!!

Finally! I spent an hour or two on it yesterday, and finally finished it just now. It's up and ready for viewing. I have to be careful about spoilers, so I'm sorry that there isn't a whole lot of information up.

So far there is only Tera, her Trio, and Martimae, but as I add on, there will be sub pages for Creations and the characters that exist in the real world. (So Ashley, Jamie, etc..)

If anyone finds pictures and thinks that they are suitable, go ahead and post them in the comments, or on our Facebook page! I'm also taking questions about any and all characters [but that doesn't mean I'll answer them XD].

I hope everyone is having a good week so far! Mine's going pretty well, minus the exams I have this week. But don't worry, I'll find plenty of time to keep writing.

I'm going to make a big change to the Facebook Group though. Along with the email subscription list, for those people that don't want to receive more email than they already do, wouldn't it be cool to just get the update in your Facebook messages? All you have to do is join the Facebook Group! Easy, non?


Sooooo, you can chat with groups, but even as an Administrator you can't send out mass messages. Go figure. Instead of using the group, I'll be making a Facebook Event! (Yay for Facebook...). I'll post a link to the event as soon as I have it up!


Due to some technical difficulties (copy and paste being stupid), I've taken down the character page for now. I'll get it fixed soon, I just don't have time to do it right now..


IT'S DONE. I PROMISE. :D  After some moving things around, it should be finally well, not done, but much better than it previously was.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Facebook Takeover: Success.

Yup, that's right folks! InkDreams now has a full-functioning Facebook Page! Check it out here:

There are some photos I put up, and I can't wait to hear some opinions on them! People are, of course, free to put up their own photos or photos they find. I'll add my favorites to a special album!

Don't forget to like the page either!!! There's a "like" button in the right sidebar of this page, so don't hesitate to click it. :D

On another note, I'll be sending out the next subscription email soon! There are other updates as well of course. Like for one, I'll be putting up some character info pages up on the good ol' blog later this week. Exciting eh?

I'm also debating on whether or not I should put up the whole story so far on or If I do that, then I can embed the novel onto the blog.... Of course I'll still send out the emails!

Don't be afraid to give me your feedback guys! I can't write this novel without all of the support I can get!


Monday, March 26, 2012

First Battle Scene? Yeah, I wrote that.

I finally finished writing out the first battle scene! Okay, so really the first planned battle scene. The Trio hunted down some Tailors! Whoo! (This really only makes sense if you've read the story thus far. So those of you who are new, get reading!!)

I've only written a few pages since my last update, so I'll type them up, write some more, type that up, and then send off the next email!

If you still want to join the subscription list, either send an email to, or comment below. There is not a limited amount of people that can be on this list, so please, don't hesitate to sign up! Like I've said, I have no rhyme or reason for giving your email to anyone. (Even if I did have a reason, there's no way I would give it out.)

I'd like to send a special shout out to the best friend, because I'm a terrible novelist who forgot some important guidelines to her own novel, and this chick went and found the original Notes, deciphered my horrid handwriting, and put up with me. <3 Love ya Jazzy!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

First Post!

Hey Everyone! (Well, whoever's there I guess. . . )

The Blog is up, and public, and somewhat functional! Yay!

...I don't really know what else to post...

Of course there are a few mistakes about the place, and I'll be sure to do some housekeeping and sweep them right up (with the help of a certain few special people ;D). So please excuse the mess!

There will be more pages to come, including some character info pages and whatnot. Don't worry, I won't be posting spoilers. ^^

So everyone have fun, use nice language, and make yourselves at home!