Friday, April 27, 2012

It's the Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone's finals are going well. They might be my most hated part of college, final exams. Wait, no, math is my most hated part. I can't stand it.

Well, I've gotten a few pages written since the last update. Speaking of, how did everyone like it?? *For those of you who actually read it.

Sigh, writing about "reality" is boring. I have no idea what to write about to pass the time within the book. Is there anything people want to read about? Comment below or say so on the Facebook page!

I hope everyone has a safe weekend, and does well on the rest of exams!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Moment You've Been Waiting For!

And I'm sorry it's taken so freak'n long. I finally just put my laziness aside and forced myself to work on the editing for five, six hours.

Of course it's not perfect still. I mean, I have to go back and fix some descriptive stuff (like the description of the Tailors and the like). There are spots where I need to put in excerpts as well, I'm just not sure which ones to put in where just yet. And you know, the whole rest of the novel still needs to be written.

I'll be sending out the email around eight pm tonight, so check your inboxes around then!!

If you've yet to join our subscription list, just send an email to, or if you're a brave soul, just comment below! I'll add you to the list immediately.

Don't forget to like our Facebook Page or join the Facebook Group!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thanks Everyone!!

200 PAGEVIEWS. *sniff* I know it isn't a whole lot, especially compared to a bunch of other blogs, but it's still a huge milestone for me.

So thanks to my friends, to my friends in foreign countries, and to Russia and France, because they gave me pageviews even though I don't know anyone there. Well, anyone that lives there. I have a sneaking suspicion that my friend visiting in France sent me a view.

This is the start of a bunch of tests this week, so while I will try to get the update out, I'm really not counting on it. If I'm not studying, then I'm busy trying to have a life.

Again, thanks everyone! I'll try my best!

Don't forget to send us to your friends, and to like our Facebook Page!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Obviously I need to stop setting deadlines.

I'm really sorry guys!! I know I kept promising and never delivering. This week has been really stressful. I've typed up almost everything (I have another page of notes to type), but I still have to go through the hundred pages and correct everything. I'm really not looking forward to it at all...

The next update will be done soon though! That I can promise! Probably. XD

I hope everyone has had a good week, and will have a good weekend! Exams are coming up, along with final projects, so I know everyone is busy for sure.

Don't forget to like the Facebook page!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Quick Apology

So, I've actually had a life lately, and because of it, I haven't been able to type out the rest of what I've written, or even gone back and rewritten the parts that need to be changed.

I know I said I would get the update by tonight, but since I have a presentation and an essay to do, I really don't think I'll be able to do it >.>. I'm so sorry!!

I'll try to get it out sometime in this week though. Haha, maybe I can get it done tomorrow? Possibly?

At any rate, I hope everyone had a good weekend, and a Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Crisis Averted!

Whoo!! I slept on my problem for a little while, sat down to dinner with the notes and novel, and figured it all out.

And to make news even happier, the next update will come out on either Saturday or Sunday! (Maybe Friday, it depends on how much work I get done.) I tried making a Facebook Event, but it wouldn't let me send files through the messages... I guess that means I'll just stick with the email list. If anyone knows of a better way to do this, then please let me know!

I hope that everyone's having an awesome week; I know my week has gone pretty well.

Look forward to the new update!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Delay

Well, I'm dumb. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.

I overlooked some huge technicalities with the time conversion between reality and InkDreams, and now I have to go back and redo a bunch of stuff....

This means that the next update is probably going to take a lot longer than I was banking on, unfortunately. I'm quite peeved about it. Not only do I have to fix the problem, but then I have to go through the one hundred pages of the novel and fix everything that doesn't comply with the new rules. Yes, ruleS. As is in I have to make more than one new rule. It's terribly tedious...

Not to mention that while all of this is going on, I have to live the life of a busy college student and study and prepare for my next semester. I've been going to a lot of meetings lately, to prepare for studying abroad in Japan.

I hope that you all will please excuse my inability to come up with proper rules that cannot be so easily flawed, and sit tight until I sort all of this out! :3