Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's One O'Clock in the Morning...

And now that Lily Allen song, "4 O'Clock in the Morning", shall be stuck in my head. But only her part, because I'm not particularly fond of the rapping that takes place.

Good morning to you all! Happy belated Thanksgiving, and I believe a happy belated Halloween/Samhain/etc is in order as well. It's been a while, non? And you all shall be very disappointed in me, because I haven't written a single word!

Life has been a bit hectic (isn't it always? I need a new reason.) and my creative juices haven't been flowing properly.

However!! Somebody else's has been! I'd like to direct your attention to this little video here, a submission for the Doritos Superbowl Commercial contest.


I would have embedded the video, but for whatever reason Blogger isn't letting me do it.

BUT WATCH THIS. The creator is a dear friend of mine with a brilliant mind for films and the like, and as far as me posting creative content goes, this is about as good as I can do for the moment. So congrats Zeppy, on a blog dedicated entirely to one thing, I've managed to make a post about you! :D

But really everyone, please give a little support to watch this video. I promise that it's fairly entertaining.

Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. This past week I've been brainstorming rather hard, trying to fit Cerulean into the story, and wondering about how deeply involved she's going to be. And it didn't help that I started a character for her whilst playing the Future Stuff expansion of Sims. (Which is quite excellent by the by.)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!

Did I mention I'm almost at four-THOUSAND views? I can't thank you lot enough, especially those of you diligently checking back. (I'm sorry for being such a disappointment!)

Much love to all of you dear readers, whether you're new or have been here since Creation.

-Lindsey <3